
We walk
the talk.

Reach Out

Some agencies talk about people over profit. But how many national agencies are actually fully unionized? Other than us, none.

As Canada’s largest, full-service, progressive agency, we only work with values-aligned clients. You won’t see us protect universal healthcare in one ad, then promote a pharmaceutical company in another. We only work with partners who make the world better.

Our Values

Imagine better

Inspire more in ourselves and others

Seek out feedback, learning and growth

Keep raising the bar


Leverage our collective strengths and expertise

Make space for diverse perspectives

Support each other to succeed


Take responsibility and initiative

Be self-reflective and communicative

Bring curiosity before judgement


Prioritize client impact and experience

Pursue ambitious, achievable goals

Be effective and efficient


Hailing from across Canada and the world, we bring winning strategy, creative, digital expertise, and project management to your campaign.

Adrienne Lee (On Leave)
Senior Web Specialist
Aimee Churchill
Chief Project Officer
Amanda Kloeze
Project Manager
Ana Maria Monzon
Senior Coordinator, Sales & Marketing
Andrew Thomas
Andrew Thomas
Ash Arden
Chair of the Board
Ashley McCorriston
Operations Manager
Becky Best-Bertwistle
Senior Strategist
Cameron Spark
Senior Digital Specialist
Cassie Barradas
Cielo Beltran
Resource Manager
Colette St-Onge
Da Huang
Senior Specialist, Paid Media
Dana Bronsteter
Project Manager
Emily Shelton
Senior Team Lead - Paid Media
Emily White
Emily White
Account Manager
Ethan Collister
Frazer Black
Digital Director
Graeme Campbell
Senior Creative Director
Hawar headshot
Hawar Palani
Digital Specialist
Jafar headshot
Jafar Hassan
Senior Strategist
Jake Campbell
Jake Campbell
Account Manager
Jan Cruz
Jan Cruz
Graphic Designer
Lisa Sammartino
Senior Director, Strategy
Melissa O'Neil (On Leave)
Account Manager
Michael Erdmann
Creative Director and Head of Design
Miranda Hassell
Senior Strategist
Natalie Duronio
Chief Operating Officer
Natasha Wilson
Chief Executive Officer
Nathan Hare
Nickesha Welch (On Leave)
Senior Project Manager
Nikki Wallin
Art Director
Nuvi Sidhu (On Leave)
Director of Projects (East)
Pippa Stowell
Director of Projects (West)
Rachel Tetrault
Senior Team Lead - Organizing
Rahul Nair
Project Manager
Shannon Spelay
HR Manager
Shaunie headshot
Shaunie Frontin
Executive Assistant
Tarnee Watts
Tarnee Watts
Executive Creative Director
Teagan Salter
Teagan Salter
Valerie Thai
Art Director
Vivian Tang
Art Director

