Earplugs in Alberta: the Gathering Storm on the Prairies.
June 21, 2019Here at Point Blank, we can say that we categorically and emphatically dislike bullies, whether it’s in our everyday lives or our dealings with clients. We believe that respect and integrity are what make the world go ‘round. That’s why we were absolutely floored when we saw the UCP government in Alberta under Jason Kenney effectively tear up its deals with teachers, nurses, and other public sector workers. And this isn’t just a small scale thing. Almost 200,000 Albertans are being blocked from bargaining with their employers so that the UCP Government can avoid free and fair collective bargaining,
Well from where we’re sitting, it looks like the UCP introduced the legislation so that they can eventually freeze or even roll back the wages of these public sector folks. The law itself means that bargaining talks can’t resume until after October 31st. This kind of delay might not sound like a big deal. But this delay is just a first step so they can justify cuts to Albertans’ wages after they get advice from their so-called “blue ribbon” panel on how to balance the books… balancing the books right on the backs of everyday Albertans!
Sounds terrible, doesn’t it? It sure does! It’s unfair, and it flies in the face of the Charter.
This is not what they promised when they ran their campaign. It is not what they’ve talked about since getting elected and it’s not what Albertans want them to do.
That’s why we have to ask ourselves: why are they doing this now?
We can only assume it’s because they think nobody is watching and because they believe they can get away with it.
Time will tell, but we think they’re playing with fire. Because, in Alberta, it’s pretty simple: we expect fairness and respect from our leaders. As the law moves through a rushed process in the legislature, Albertans will start to become aware that with the UCP they are not getting what they bargained for…
Read the CBC story here