Health Sciences Association of BC

Presumptive Coverage Campaign

Video & Animation


The Health Sciences Association of British Columbia (HSA) represents 18,000 healthcare and community service professionals across BC. The BC NDP Government recently improved access to WorkSafe Presumptive Coverage, which allows workers to access WorkSafe financial support more easily in the event of a mental health injury. The government excluded most of HSA’s members – many of whom work on the front line of health care and community social services and deal with traumatic events daily. HSA called on Point Blank Creative to develop a full-service campaign to put pressure on the government to introduce Presumptive Coverage for all healthcare and community social service professionals.

While the government is yet to expand presumptive coverage, HSA found that Ministers and MLAs were increasingly favourable towards doing so. It’s likely that further campaigns, either by other organizations adding their voice or by an escalation of campaigning, would push them over the line.

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